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Multifaceted Menstruation Interdisciplinary Workshop

  • James Room (Room 418), Barnard Hall, Barnard College 3009 Broadway New York, NY, 10027 United States (map)
Multifaceted Menstruation.jpg

Please join the Menstrual Health and Gender Justice Working Group, the Center for the Study of Social Difference, and the Institute for the Study of Human Rights for an interdisciplinary workshop entitled "Multifaceted Menstruation".

Friday, November 22, 2019
9:30 am - 5:00 pm
Barnard College, James Room
Columbia University

This one-day workshop seeks to critically evaluate the current state of research on menstruation, with interest in examining whose voices are being represented, which actors shape the dominant narrative, whose voices are marginalized, what gaps in data, research, and policy exist, and how interdisciplinary collaboration may help remedy some of these gaps. The workshop also hopes to serve as an opportunity to make connections with menstrual health researchers in the Greater New York area.
Please feel free to share this RSVP with colleagues.

Workshop Agenda

9:30 am - Welcome Remarks

10:00 am - Flash Presentations
Making Sense of Menstruation: Practices, Attitudes and Interventions

10:45 am - Flash Presentations
Acknowledging Menstrual Challenges, Approaching Menstruation through FemTech

12:15 pm - Flash Presentations
Menstrual Frameworks: Recognizing the Needs of all Menstruators

1:00 pm - Lunch

2:30 pm - Roundtable Discussions
Menstruation and Society, Menstruation in South Asia

3:45 pm - Panel Discussion -
Policy and Practice in Interdisciplinary Menstrual Health

4:45 pm - Closing Remarks

Event Contact Information:
Michelle Chouinard

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Reclaiming Collective Memories in Contemporary Turkey

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Security and the Political Geographies of Gender Violence