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Women Mobilizing Memory: Arts of Intervention

Women Mobilizing Memory: Arts of Intervention | June 26, 2019

in the context of
MSA Madrid 2019, Third Annual Memory Studies Association Conference | June 25-28th, 2019
Moncloa Campus, Complutense University of Madrid, Spain

Artists: Silvina Der Meguerditchian (Berlin), Mirta Kupferminc (Buenos Aires), Susan Meiselas (New York), Lorie Novak (New York), Deborah Willis (New York)
Contributions by: Bilal (Nusaybin); Zarife Bitim, Leyla Demir, Nejbir Erkol, Elif Kaya, and Zeynep Öztap (Mardin)
Curators: Marianne Hirsch (New York), Isin Onol (New York)

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The pop-up exhibition “Arts of Intervention” brings together an international group of artists connected to the working group on “Women Mobilizing Memory” of Columbia University’s Center for the Study of Social Difference in the context of the Third Annual Memory Studies Association Conference in Madrid, June, 2019. The exhibit is part of a series of events inaugurating the collected volume Women Mobilizing Memory (Columbia University Press, 2019).

Women Mobilizing Memory, a transnational exploration of the intersection of feminism, history, and memory, shows how the recollection of violent histories can generate possibilities for progressive futures. Questioning the politics of memory-making in relation to experiences of vulnerability and violence, this wide-ranging collection asks: How can memories of violence and its afterlives be mobilized for change? What strategies can disrupt and counter public forgetting? What role do the arts play in addressing the erasure of past violence from current memory and in creating new visions for future generations?

Roundtables connected to the companion exhibition: Women Mobilizing Memory in Arts of Intervention, on display during the whole day

Roundtable 3: Women Mobilizing Memory in Arts of Intervention
Chair: Patrizia Violi (Università di Bologna)
1. Silvina Der Meguerditchian (visual artist; Berlin) Treasures: How an Inconspicuous Manuscript Became the Heart of an Installation in the 56. Venice Biennial
2. Sibel Irzik (Sabancı University) Remembering ‘Possibility’: Postmemory and Apocalyptic Hope in Recent Turkish Coup Narratives
3. Nicole Gervasio (Brown University) Siting Absence: Feminist Photography, State Violence and the Limits of Representation
4. Laura Wexler (Yale University) and Lorie Novak (NYU) Instilling Interference
5. Hülya Adak (Sabancı University & Freie Universitaet Berlin) Women in Mourning Impeding Gendered Memories of a Genocidal Past

Roundtable 9: Women Mobilizing Memory in Performances of Protest
Chair: Leo Spitzer (Dartmouth College)
1.  Işın Önol (Montclair State University) Blank: an Attempt at a Conversation” (with Susan Meiselas)
2. María Soledad Falabella Luco (University of Chile) Hilando en la Memoria: Weaving Songs of Resistance in Contemporary Mapuche Political Cultural Activism
3. Ayse Gul Altinay (Sabancı University) Curious Steps: Mobilizing Memory Through Collective Walking and Storytelling in Istanbul
4. Deborah Willis (NYU) Women Artists Re-Historicizing Visual Memories

Special Session 3: Mobilizing Memory, Artistic Practice (conversation)
Marianne Hirsch (Columbia University) & Mirta Kupferminc (Visual Artist, Buenos Aires)

June 25

Voices on the Ground: Human Rights Defenders Workshop

September 11

Ecologies of Remembrance: The Material Afterlives of Unidentified Death along the Central Mediterranean Migration Route