Please join us for "Beyond masculinity: testosterone, sexual desire, and gender/sex," lecture by Sari van Anders, University of Michigan.
Keywords event on "Vulnerability" featuring Walter Bockting, Professor of Medical Psychology (in Psychiatry and Nursing) and Co-Director, LGBT Health Initiative, Division of Gender, Sexuality, and Health, Department of Psychiatry; Katherine Ewing, Professor of Religion and Director, Center for the Study of Religion and Sexuality; Marianne Hirsch, William Peterfield Trent Professor of English and Comparative Literature and Women’s and Gender Studies and Director, Center for the Study of Social Difference; and Richard Parker, Professor of Sociomedical Sciences and Anthropology, and Director, Center for the Study of Culture, Politics, and Health; with Alondra Nelson, Professor of Sociology and Women’s and Gender Studies, Director, Institute for Research on Women, Gender, and Sexuality, and Co-Chair, Women's Gender, and Sexuality Studies Council, moderating.
A graduate student roundtable discussion with Henry Castillo (NYU), Andrea Crow (Columbia), Nicole Gervasio (Columbia), and Leticia Robles (NYC) and moderated by Kate Trebuss (Columbia)
As part of the Heyman Center for the Humanities Disciplines Series:
Evaluation, Value, and Evidence, authors Alison Piepmeier, George Estreich, and Rachel Adams take up many of the questions raised in the November 2013 event on "Genes, Children, and Ethics" (featuring Michael Berube, Faye Ginsberg, and Rayna Rapp) in their discussion of "Parenting, Narrative, and Our Genetic Futures." Jordana Mendelson will chair.
Cosponsored by the Future of Disability Studies project.
Please join the Institute for Research on Women and Gender and The Center for American Studies as we celebrate the recent publishing successes of our Project Directors and affiliated faculty: