Sergio Suiama
Sergio Gardenghi Suiama
Public Prosecutor, Office of Cultural Heritage in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Sergio Suiama is a Federal Prosecutor in Brazil and a Columbia Law LL.M. alumnus (class of 2009-2010). Also, he holds a master in World Heritage and Cultural Projects for the Development from University of Turin.
Graduated from University of Sao Paulo Law School, he has worked in the Brazilian prosecution service since 2002, and at the Office of Cultural Heritage and Environment in Rio de Janeiro since 2014. Currently, he serves as well as the Ombudsperson for Human Rights in the State and coordinates the Working Group on LGBTQ’s rights at the Office of the Federal Ombudsman.
As a senior legal professional, he has for more than 20 years litigated, written and lectured on topics such as racial equality, transitional justice, cultural rights, freedom of expression and rights of LGBTQ.
For his work in investigating and prosecuting perpetrators of crimes against humanity committed during the last Brazilian dictatorship he received in 2014 the Special Achievement Award from the International Association of Prosecutors, and the Chico Mendes Medal from Grupo Tortura Nunca Mais (Brazil).