Elizabeth J. Donaldson

Elizabeth J. Donaldson

Associate Professor of English, New York Institute of Technology


Elizabeth J. Donaldson is Associate Professor of English at New York Institute of Technology, where she teaches courses in American literature, writing, and medical humanities. She has published essays on mental illness in film, antipsychiatry in Lauren Slater’s memoirs, physiognomy and madness in Jane Eyre, teaching Melville online, and the poetry of Amy Lowell, among other subjects.  She is a member of the editorial board of the Journal of Literary and Cultural Disabilities Studies and is co-editor (with Catherine J. Prendergast) of a recent special issue, “Emotion and Disability.” Her current research project focuses on schizophrenia and psychotomimesis: the imitation and representation of psychosis in medicine and literature.

Working Group Affiliation

The Future of Disability Studies