Hebe Mattos
Hebe Mattos
Professor of History, University Federal Fluminense
Hebe Mattos is Professor of History at University Federal Fluminense (UFF) in Brazil. She was visiting Professor at Columbia University (Ruth Cardoso Chair, ILAS/Institute of Latin America Studies, 2013/2014), at Ecoles des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (2004) and at the University of Michigan (1996). She is the author or co-author of numerous books on Brazilian slavery and post-emancipation society, including Memórias do Cativeiro. Família, Trabalho e Cidadania no Pós-Abolição/ Memories of Captivity. Family, Labor and Citizenship after abolition(2005); Das Cores do Silêncio. Significados da Liberdade no Sudeste Escravista, Brasil-sec. XIX / Colors of Silence. Meanings of Freedom in 19th Southeast Brazil/ (1995, 1998, 2013) - for which she received the Brazil National Archive Research Award (1993), and The Abolition of Slavery and the aftermath of emancipation in Brazil (with Rebecca Scott et allii, 1988). She’s one of the coordinators of The Oral History and Image Lab of UFF where she co-directed the collection of documentary films Present Pasts.
Working Group Affiliation