Leticia Robles

Performance Studies, NYU


Leticia Robles-Moreno is a PhD student at New York University’s Department of Performance Studies.. She received her Bachelor’s degree in Humanities with emphasis in Linguistics and Literature from the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. She also holds a Master’s degree in Latin American Literature from the University of Colorado at Boulder, and has taught Spanish, Latin American culture, and Writing classes in several college levels. In addition to her academic background, Leticia studied Theater Arts in the Club de Teatro de Lima, and has participated in various workshops on improvisational theater, storytelling, and Theater of the Oppressed techniques. Her MA thesis, “Staging Real Time: Absent Presences in Forging/Inhabiting Fragmented Bridges through Video Chat Connections,” explored the ways in which new technologies might be used to generate alternative political subjects, communities, and spaces of belonging. She has published articles in Latin American Theatre Review and Contemporary Theatre Review. Her doctoral research is focused on the role of theater groups of "creación colectiva" in recent Latin American socio-political contexts -- particularly in Peru (Grupo Cultural Yuyachkani), Colombia (Teatro La Candelaria), and Ecuador (Teatro Malayerba) -- exploring their networked practices as strategies of survival, from a combined Performance Studies and Affect Studies perspective. She is always lost in translation.

Working Group Affiliation

Women Mobilizing Memory


Camille Robcis


Huáscar Robles