Nacira Guénif-Souilamas

Professor, University of Paris 8 Vincennes-Saint-Denis, Education Sciences Department


Nacira Guénif-Souilamas is Professor, University of Paris 8 Vincennes-Saint-Denis, Education Sciences Department.

She was formerly Associate Professor at the University of Paris Nord/13 and Co-Director of EXPERICE Research Center. 

Guénif-Souilamas holds a Phd in Sociology from l’École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales in Paris and a HDR of Sciences Po Paris. 

In 2009, she was a Fulbright fellow at Wellesley College (Sociology) and Columbia University (ICLS, Department of Middle East and Asian Languages and Cultures & Department of Religion) and a Visiting Professor at the Institute of French Studies in NYU.

Her Phd dissertation was awarded « Le prix le Monde de la recherche universitaire » published as Des beurettes aux descendantes d’immigrants nord-africains (2000), paperback edition Des beurettes in 2003), translated in Arabic in 2004. She has co-authored with Éric Macé Les féministes et le garçon arabe, L’Aube (2004, paperback edition in 2006) and edited La république mise à nu par son immigration, La Fabrique (2006). Since 2004, her contributions appeared in : Le foulard islamique en questions; La fracture coloniale; Qui a peur de la télévision en couleurs ?; Les féminismes en questions, éléments pour une cartographie ; La situation postcoloniale; La reconnaissance à l’épreuve; Histoire politique des luttes de l’immigration (post)coloniale; La fracture postcoloniale; Israeli-Paslestinian Conflict in the Francophone World; Ruptures postcoloniales ; L’individu aujourd’hui ; Frenchness and the African Diaspora : Identity and Uprising in Contemporary France ; Migration und Menschenrechte in Europa ; Dictionnaire du racisme et des discriminations ; Dictionnaire de la jeunesse et de l’adolescence ; Minorités visibles en politique ; Penser à gauche ; La France une et multiculturelle. Her articles appeared in: La Revue Européenne des Migration Internationales ; French Politics, Culture and Society ; Contemporary French Civilization (ed) ; Cosmopolitiques (ed) ; Yale French Studies; Mouvements ; European Early Childhood Education Research Journal; The Salon. Chapters will appear in : Gendering the Divide : Religion, the Secular, and the Politics of Sexual Difference; What’s Queer about Europe ?

She contributes to public debates on migrations, minorities and discriminations, ethnic and racial visibility, gender, sexism and racism. She is a member of the TERRA network and the vice-president of the Islamic Cultural Center in Barbès, a longstanding Arab and Black quarter of Paris.


Working Group Affiliation

Religion and the Global Reframing of Gender Justice


Caitlin Gruer


Jenny Gumer