R. Ertuğ Altınay

PhD Candidate, New York University


Rüstem Ertuğ Altınay is a doctoral candidate in the Department of Performance Studies at New York University. He received his Bachelor’s degree in Philosophy and Sociology, and his M.A. degree in Philosophy from Bogazici University. Ertuğ’s primary fields of research are the politics of gender and sexuality in Turkey, with a focus on artistic and everyday performance, visual practices, fashion, and queer historiography. His essays have been published or are forthcoming in peer-reviewed journals, including the Trans- and Fashion special issues of Women’s Studies Quarterly, the Journal of Women’s History, Transgender Studies Quarterly, the International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics, Radical History Review, and Feminist Media Studies as well as various edited volumes. His dissertation, entitled “Dressing for Utopia: Fashion, Performance, and the Politics of Everyday Life in Turkey (1923-2013),” explores how the body of the national subject has been defined in relation to the multiple and shifting utopian political projects throughout the Republican history of Turkey, and the role of fashion and embodied practices in regulating the politics of subjectivity and belonging.

Ertuğ’s research has been supported by the Turkish Cultural Foundation Doctoral Fellowship in Turkish Culture and Arts and the History Project Research Grant (Joint Center for History and Economics, Harvard University and University of Cambridge) as well as fellowships and grants from New York University. He has also held residential fellowships at the New Islamic Public Sphere Program of the University of Copenhagen, the Remarque Institute at New York University, Orient Institute Istanbul, Georg Eckert Institute for International Textbook Research, Arni Magnusson Institute for Icelandic Studies, and the Center for Ethics and Poverty Research at the University of Salzburg. Ertuğ is also a playwright, translator, and theater professional.

Working Group Affiliation

Women Mobilizing Memory


Ayşe Gül Altınay


Suzanne Altshuler