Soledad Falabella Luco

Soledad Falabella Luco

Director, ESE:O


Professor Soledad Falabella Luco is the director of ESE:O, a non-profit organization which promotes performative writing projects, and the teaching and practice of writing to empower learning communities with effective skills for local and global participation in knowledge production and circulation. She teaches feminist critical theory, performance and poetry at the Magíster en Género y Cultura, Universidad de Chile. Dr. Falabella brings over fifteen years of experience in academia, and has taught and conducted research internationally. As an "academic and cultural activist" she is committed to developing creative ways to promote social change by combining pedagogy, research, activism, and the arts. Falabella holds a Ph.D. in Hispanic Literature and Languages from the University of California, Berkeley. Books: ¿Qué será de Chile en el Cielo? - Poema de Chile de Gabriela Mistral (LOM Santiago, Chile 2003), Hilando en la Memoria: Curriao, Huinao, Millapan, Manquepillan, Panchillo, Pinda, Rupailaf, the first anthology of Mapuche women poets and Hilando en la Memoria, Epu Rupa (Cuarto Propio, Santiago 2006 and 2009 resp.), Cantando la infancia, Chile y la tierra Americana Poetic Anthology of Gabriela Mistral for boys and girls from 4-6 years old (Santiago, Ministry de Education 2008).

Working Group Affiliation

Women Mobilizing Memory


Nadia Fadil


Maria Fantinato