Tobin Siebers

Tobin Siebers

V. L. Parrington Collegiate Professor, Professor of English and Art and Design, University of Michigan

Tobin Siebers is V. L. Parrington Collegiate Professor, Professor of English and Art and Design at the University of Michigan. He has been a fellow of the Michigan Society of Fellows and the John Simon Memorial Guggenheim Foundation and a Visiting Scholar at the Ecole Polytechnique in Paris.  His major publications include The Mirror of Medusa (California 1983), The Romantic Fantastic (Cornell 1984), The Ethics of Criticism (Cornell 1988), Morals and Stories (Columbia 1992), Cold War Criticism and the Politics of Skepticism (Oxford 1993), The Subject and Other Subjects: On Ethical, Aesthetic, and Political Identity (Michigan 1998), Among Men (Nebraska 1999), Disability Theory (Michigan 2008),  Zerbrochene Schönheit (Transcript 2008) and Disability Aesthetics (Michigan, 2010).  He is also the editor of Religion and the Authority of the Past (Michigan 1993), Heterotopia: Postmodern Utopia and the Body Politic (Michigan 1994), and The Body Aesthetic: From Fine Art to Body Modification (Michigan 2000). His recent work on disability studies has been published in American Literary History, Cultural Critique, Literature and Medicine, Journal for Cultural and Religious Theory, Michigan Quarterly Review, PMLA, and the MLA volume on disability studies. He is currently at work on a project on the visual representation of female mental disability.


Dina M. Siddiqi


Irina Carlota Silber