Ximena Goecke

Universidad de Chile


Ximena Vanessa Goecke S. is a chilean-jewish historian and a teacher of History and English, candidate to the degree of Magister in Gender and Culture in the Faculty of Humanities at Universidad de Chile. She teaches some courses in the Faculty of Education at Universidad de las Américas (UDLA) and in the English as Foreign Language area at Universidad Católica.

She participates in the research nucleus in “Body and Emotion” of the Faculty of Social Sciences at Universidad de Chile, as a member of the research section in “Body, memory and violence”.

Ms Goecke is interested in the study of generational memories and diaspora as a result of political violence and intolerance. In previous works she has written about the Latin American experiences during the Dictatorships of the second half of the XXth century.

She has written some articles already regarding to the memory of the Shoah in the Chilean Jewish Community, the memoralization of the Shoah in Chile (through monuments) and on the autobiographies written by survivors who migrated to Chile.

Currently, she is writing her thesis based on the study of the testimonies of Shoah survivors that migrated to Chile between Kristallnacht and the end of the IIWW from a gendered point of view. This is the first consistant research ever made on this topic and with these sources in Chile, and she is interested in continue developing this research venue in her future PhD studies.

Since 2012, she is a volunteer for the educational projects of “Memoria Viva” Foundation, leading its educational projects.

Last year she attended as a Fellow to the Curt and Else Silberman Summer Seminar at USHMM (Washington) and presented Foundation’s projects and experiences in a Seminar in Shoah Education in Buenos Aires Argentina, organized by Anne Frank’s House and ITF. She was also a 2013 Fellow in the program “Bridges to History” study trip to New York and Poland organized by the Auschwitz Jewish Center.

Working Group Affiliation

Women Mobilizing Memory


Marcial Godoy-Anativia


Tao Goffe