Luca A Castro Figari
Doctoral Student, Performance and Cultural Theorist, Columbia University
Luca A Castro Figari is a performance and cultural theorist, organizer, survivor and healer, and multimedia artist specializing in behavioral, ideological, and intimacy control structures. They've received awards in poetry and creative writing, perform and play-write professionally, are recording their first album, publish film and social criticism, and were Peruvian National Champion in Tae-Kwon-Do.
Luca A Castro Figari
Masters Student in Performance Studies, New York University
Luca A Castro Figari is a performance and cultural theorist, organizer, survivor and healer, and multimedia artist specializing in behavioral, ideological, and intimacy control structures. They've received awards in poetry and creative writing, perform and play-write professionally, are recording their first album, publish film and social criticism, and were Peruvian National Champion in Tae-Kwon-Do. Zadie Smith personally selected them for her months-long master class, making them the only participant who doesn't speak English as their first language, and they're currently working with the Red Cross on a play. They've received scholarships to study in Paris, New York, Abu Dhabi, and to share their work in London. They're completing a Masters in Performance Studies at New York University.
Social Engagement Project Affiliation