LIVESTREAM: Policy and Practice in Interdisciplinary Menstrual Health

The CSSD Menstrual Health and Gender Justice working group hosted an interdisciplinary day-long workshop entitled Multifaceted Menstruation that evaluated the current state of research on menstruation, with interest in examining whose voices are being represented, which actors shape the dominant narrative, whose voices are marginalized, what gaps in data, research, and policy exist, and how interdisciplinary collaboration may help remedy some of these gaps. 

A panel discussion entitled “Policy and Practice in Interdisciplinary Menstrual Health” concluded the day.

To watch the livestream video of the panel discussion, click here

For more information about the event, click here.


New Course in Spring 2020: “Menstruation, Gender, and Rights: Interdisciplinary Approaches”


Jean Howard and Ana Paulina Lee to be Featured on Panel “A Celebration of Soft Power”