Recap: Afro-Nordic Feminisms Working Group Meeting from Nov. 9-12

The Afro-Nordic Feminisms Working Group met in New York from 9-12 November.

Our conversations ranged around the terms that animate our group: "Afro," "Nordic" and "Feminism"; in addition, we shared our work with each other in order to plan a concrete project or set of interventions that our group will engage in during spring of 2024 and the future. We are exploring the following possibilities: 1) a panel at the Scandinavian Studies Association in Seattle in May in conversation with the Nordic Utopias exhibition at the National Nordic Museum; 2) a possible project mapping the genealogy of AfroNordic Feminist scholars and their work 3) staging a series of conversations amongst ourselves in either podcast or textual form about the challenges of doing this work in the US/Nordics, scholarly positionality, language justice in the field, among other topics.


Afro-Nordic Feminisms WG Members Delivery Keynote at Copenhagen Conference


Afro-Nordic Feminisms WG Members Contribute to Special Issue of Kvinder, Køn og Forskning