Members of the Afro-Nordic Feminisms WG Participate in Panel at the Society for the Advancement of Scandinavian Studies Conference in Seattle (May 9-12, 2024)

Members of the Afro-Nordic Feminisms Working group participated in a panel at the Society for the Advancement of Scandinavian Studies Conference in Seattle, held this year May 9-12, 2024.

The Working Group’s primary goal was to bring attention to issues often overlooked in these spaces. This year's SASS coincided with the National Nordic Museum's exhibition "Nordic Utopia? African American Artists in the 20th Century." Our panel followed a discussion on the exhibition, sparking a meaningful conversation about the history and contemporary cultures of Blackness in the Nordics.

Additionally, we had productive dialogues with indigenous scholars focusing on race and racialization in Greenland and Sápmi. These exchanges were invaluable in broadening the scope of our discussions.

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