The “Mobilizing Memory: Women Witnessing” exhibition occurs in the context of a five-day workshop on “Mobilizing Memory for Action” that brings together an international group of scholars, artists, and activists to analyze the activist work memory practices can enable. The workshop is part of Columbia University’s “Women Creating Change” initiative led by the Center for the Study of Social Difference and organized in collaboration with the Columbia Global Centers. “Mobilizing Memory for Action” began in December 2013 with a workshop at the Columbia Global Centers in Chile and continues in September 2014 with activities in Istanbul hosted by Columbia Global Centers | Turkey, Sabancı University Gender and Women’s Studies Forum and DEPO Istanbul. Support has also been provided by the Blinken European Institute, Sabancı University, Hemispheric Institute of Performance and Politics, the Truth Justice Memory Center and Friedrich-EbertStiftung Turkey Office. The Istanbul program consists of a workshop with 35 leading scholars, artists and activists from Turkey, the United States, Chile and other contexts; an art exhibition and catalogue; documentary screenings; theater performances and post-performance discussions; and a series of public roundtables.
View the full Mobilizing Memory: Women Witnessing Catalogue here.
Project Coordinators
Ayşe Gül Altınay, Asena Günal, Marianne Hirsch, Jean Howard, Rana Zincir Celal
Academic Supervisors
Ayşe Gül Altınay, Marianne Hirsch, Jean Howard, Diana Taylor
Support Team
Andrea Michelle Crow, Aslı Çetinkaya, Alyssa Greene, Vina Tran, Ragıp Zık