The Bandung Spirit: Reflections on Afro-Asian Solidarity
The Bandung Humanisms working group presents its culminating workshop, titled "The Bandung Spirit: Reflections on Afro-Asian Solidarity."
The Bandung Humanisms working group presents its culminating workshop, titled "The Bandung Spirit: Reflections on Afro-Asian Solidarity."
CSSD working group Bandung Humanism cosponsors "The Afro-Asian 'Silk Road' and the Rhetoric of Connected History" talk by Tamara Chin (Brown University).
CSSD Bandung Humanisms project co-sponsors: On South-South Circulations, Histories and Possibilities in the Arab World
On June 19, 2017, CSSD’s working group on Bandung Humanisms is presenting an international workshop entitled Bandung Humanisms: Towards a New Understanding of the Global South at Nanyang Technological University (NTU) in Singapore.
Rebecca Karl, Associate Professor, History, NYU
Jamie Monson, Director, African Studies, Michigan State University
Stephanie Rupp, Asssitant Professor, Anthropology, CUNY-Lehman
Barry Sautman, Professor, Division of Social Sciences, Hong Kong University of Science & Technology
Hairong Yan, Anthropologist, Department of Applied Social Sciences, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Duncan Yoon, Assistant Professor, English, University of Alabama