Tina Campt

Professor, Department of Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies, Barnard College

Tina Campt's work theorizes gender, memory and racial formation among African Diasporic communities in Europe and Germany in particular. She is the author of Other Germans: Black Germans and the Politics of Race, Gender and Memory in the Third Reich (2004), which examines the mutual constitution of racial and gendered formations among German Blacks in the Third Reich. Her new project, Imaging Black Europe: Archive, Photography and the African Diaspora, studies how Black Britons and Black Germans used photography as an expressive cultural practice to create forms of identification and community in the first half of the twentieth century in Germany and the UK. 

Tina Campt

Professor of Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies and Director of the Africana Studies Program, Barnard College

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Tina Campt joined the Barnard faculty in 2010, prior to which she held faculty positions at Duke University, the University of California-Santa Cruz and the Technical University of Berlin.  An interdisciplinary scholar by necessity, her work theorizes gender, memory and racial formation among African Diasporic communities in Europe and Germany in particular. In addition to article publications in New German Critique, Radical History Review, Meridians and Callaloo, she is the author of Other Germans: Black Germans and the Politics of Race, Gender and Memory in the Third Reich (2004), which examines the mutual constitution of racial and gendered formations among German Blacks in the Third Reich. She is co-editor with Michelle M. Wright of a special issue of Callaloo (2003) on the Black German experience, and together with Paul Gilroy, she co-edited the volume Der Black Atlantik (2004), a collection of essays emerging out of their work as guest curators of the multimedia cultural project “The Black Atlantic: Traveling Cultures, Counter-History and Networked Identities” at the House of World Cultures in Berlin. Her new project, Imaging Black Europe: Archive, Photography and the African Diaspora, is a study of how two different Black European communities - Black Britons and Black Germans - used photography as an expressive cultural practice to create forms of identification and community in the first half of the twentieth century in Germany and the UK. Together with Deborah Thomas, she is co-convener of the scholarly and curricular project “Diasporic Hegemonies: Gendering the Diaspora and Racing the Transnational.” In addition to her published writing, Campt holds advisory positions as a Corresponding Editor for Feminist Review, on the Board of Editors of the Journal of Women's History, and the Editorial Advisory Board of Duke University Press.

Working Group Affiliation

Engendering the Archive, Project Director

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