Mabel O. Wilson
Mabel O. Wilson
Nancy and George Rupp Professor in Architecture, Columbia University
Mabel O. Wilson, is the Nancy and George E. Rupp Professor in Architecture and also a professor in African American and African Diaspora Studies at Columbia University. She also serves as the Director of the Institute for Research in African American Studies and co-directs Global Africa Lab. With her practice Studio&, she is a collaborator in the architectural team that recently completed the Memorial to Enslaved African American Laborers at the University of Virginia. She’s a founding member of Who Builds Your Architecture? (WBYA?) a collective that advocates for fair labor practices on building sites worldwide. She has authored Begin with the Past: Building the National Museum of African American History and Culture (2017) and Negro Building: African Americans in the World of Fairs and Museums (2012). She co-edited with Irene Cheng and Charles Davis Race and Modern Architecture: From the Enlightenment to Today (2020). , With Sean Anderson she is co-curator of the exhibition Reconstructions: Architecture and Blackness in America (2021) at the Museum of Modern Art in New York City.
Working Group Affiliations
Edited Books
Begin with the Past: Building the National Museum of African American History and Culture Smithsonian Books, 2017
Negro Building: African Americans in the World of Fairs and Museums University of California Press, 2012
Modern Architecture: From the Enlightenment to Today Co-Edited with Irene Cheng and Charles Davis University of Pittsburgh Press, 2020