Jennifer Dohrn to Speak on Upcoming Panel "Nurses on the COVID-19 Frontlines: Experiences and Lessons Learned in Wuhan, China and NYC"
This Columbia Global Centers | Bejing event will take place November 25th 8-9am ET.
Jennifer Dohrn, co-director of the On the Frontlines: Nursing Leadership in Pandemics working group, will be a panelist at the Columbia Global Centers | Bejing virtual event "Nurses on the COVID-19 Frontlines: Experiences and Lessons Learned in Wuhan, China and New York City, USA." The panel will address elements of an effective public health response, valuable lessons learned from being in the COVID-19 frontline, COVID-19 impact on nursing education, nursing training, and capacity building, and recommendations for improving nursing research.
Register for and learn more about the event here.
On the Frontlines: Nursing Leadership in Pandemics Co-Director Recieves 2020 Nurses with Global Impact Award
Due to COVID-19 restrictions, Dohrn’s award will be honored at the International Nurses Day celebration in May 2021.
Jennifer Dohrn, co-director for the CSSD Working Group On the Frontlines: Nursing Leadership in Pandemics, was awarded the 2020 Nurses with Global Impact Award by Nursing with Global Impact, Inc. The award “recognizes and honors nurses in front line roles who demonstrate exemplary practice by impacting the global delivery of healthcare, celebrating their work and supporting their programs.”
To learn more, read here.
To learn about Dohrn’s work with the CSSD working group, read here.
On the Frontlines Coordinator Receives Award from the School of General Studies
Jeremy Orloff won the Change Agent Award at the first-ever Academic Prizes and Student Leadership Awards Virtual Ceremony.
Jeremy Orloff, postbac premed student at the School of General Studies and coordinator for the On the Frontlines: Nursing Leadership in Pandemics working group, received the Change Agent Award at the first-ever Academic Prizes and Student Leadership Awards Virtual Ceremony, held Tuesday, May 19, 2020.
Click here for a list of all awards and recipients and to watch the award ceremony.
Jennifer Dohrn Leads Discussion on the Public Health Crisis of Police Violence Against Black Americans
Professor Dohrn’s 208 person class held signs in support of the Black Lives Matter movement.
Jennifer Dohrn, co-director of the On the Frontlines: Nursing Leadership in Pandemics working group and Associate Professor at Columbia Nursing, held a discussion with her Global Health Equity and the Responsibility of the Nursing Profession class on the public health crisis of police violence against Black Americans on #BlackOutTuesday, June 2, 2020. The 208 students also made signs in to show support for the Black Lives Matter movement.
A picture of the students and their signs can be viewed here.
On the Frontlines Co-Director to Teach New Week-long ISERP Course
Wilmot James will co-lead Executive Education in the Social Sciences, a new course on pandemics.
Wilmot G. James, Visiting Professor of Political Science at Columbia University and co-director of the On the Frontlines: Nursing Leadership in Pandemics working group will lead a new course on pandemics from the Institute for Social and Economic Research and Policy (ISERP). This week-long course beginning June 8th, 2020, will also be led by Lawrence R. Stanberry of Columbia University, and feature speakers from the health, private/commercial and government sectors.
Full details on the course and information on registration can be found here.
Register here.
Frontline Nurses: Leaders in Pandemic Response Video Now Available
The recent On the Frontlines: Nursing Leadership in Pandemics working group webinar can now be found on the CSSD YouTube channel.
On May 6, 2020 the On the Frontlines: Nursing Leadership in Pandemics working group held their first webinar entitled, “Frontline Nurses: Leaders in Pandemic Response,” where the group discussed the 2014-16 Ebola crisis in the context of the current corona virus pandemic. Speakers included working group members, Mary Marshall Clark, Jennifer Dohrn, Wilmot James, Susan Michaels-Strasser, Annette Mwansa Nkowane, Margaret Loma Phiri, and Victoria Rosner.
Visit the Center for the Study of Social Difference YouTube channel or the Frontline Nurses event page to view the video.
Be sure to subscribe to CSSD’s YouTube channel to stay up to date on more important conversations such as this.
On the Frontlines Working Group Coordinator Highlighted by the School of General Studies
The profile on Jeremy Orloff discusses the group’s trip to West Africa, centered around their efforts to retrieve oral histories from local nurses and midwives active during the Ebola crisis.
Jeremy Orloff, post baccalaureate student in Columbia’s School of General Studies (GS) and Coordinator for the Center for the Study of Social Difference’s (CSSD) On the Frontlines: Nursing Leadership in Pandemics working group, was recently profiled by GS. The profile highlights Jeremy’s nontraditional academic background and what inspired his pursuit of a career in medicine. Jeremy’s visit to Liberia and Sierra Leone, a research trip to gather oral stories on nursing experiences during the Ebola outbreak in West Africa with the On the Frontlines group, is also explored. He explains that, “The project was my first exposure to global health, and definitely makes me think it is something that I want to do long term and incorporate into the rhythm of my career, regardless of what I do.”
To read the full profile click here.
For Orloff’s reflections on his trip to West Africa with the On the Frontlines working group visit our blog, here.
New Blog Post on Working Group Research Trip to West Africa
On the Frontlines Coordinator, Jeremy Orloff, reflects on recent experiences in Sierra Leone and Liberia.
On the Frontlines: Nursing Leadership in Pandemics working group Coordinator, Jeremy Orloff, reflects on his recent experiences in Freetown, Sierra Leone and Morovia, Liberia in a blog post for CSSD blog, Social Difference Online. The working group’s trip to West Africa centered around their efforts to retrieve oral histories from local nurses and midwives who had been active during the 2014-2016 Ebola crisis.
To read the full post and see pictures from the trip visit Social Difference Online.
New working groups at CSSD launching AY2018-19
CSSD launches six new projects for the 2018-19 academic year. The projects will address gender, race, sexuality, and other forms of inequality to foster ethical and progressive social change.
CSSD launches six new projects for the 2018-19 academic year. The projects will address gender, race, sexuality, and other forms of inequality to foster ethical and progressive social change.
Racial Capitalism: This working group theorizes the connections between exploitation and expropriation in interlinked political geographies. The Racial Capitalism working group will build on and also expand already existing efforts of the Barnard New Directions in American Studies (NDAS) initiative.
Project Directors: Jordan T. Camp, Christina Heatherton, and Manu Vimalassery
On The Frontlines: Nursing Leadership in Pandemics: The working group On the Frontlines: Nursing Leadership in Pandemics seeks to understand the role of nurses as change agents in the prevention, detection and response to pandemic infectious disease outbreaks.
Project Directors: Jennifer Dohrn, Wilmot James, Steve Nicholas, Victoria Rosner
Geographies of Injustice: Gender and the City: Geographies of Injustice is a working group of interdisciplinary scholars who are interested in asking how spatial politics intersects with inequality and social difference (race, caste, and ethnicity).
Project Directors: Anupama Rao, Ana Paulina Lee
Menstrual Health and Gender Justice: The Menstrual Health and Gender Justice working group seeks to further the nascent field of menstrual studies. This group puts particular emphasis on critically evaluating the current state of research and how interdisciplinary collaboration might help remedy some of these gaps.
Project Director: Inga Winkler
Pedagogies of Dignity: Pedagogies of Dignity is an interdisciplinary initiative that brings together formerly incarcerated people, activists, faculty, graduate students, and undergraduates from the Humanities and Social Sciences.
Project Director: Christia Mercer
Queer Theory: Here, Now, and Everywhere: Queer Theory: Here, There, and Everywhere is a CSSD working group to discuss, debate and investigate the politics of sexuality and gender in a global frame.
Project Director: Jack Halberstam